Part of the emerging Ministry Area of West Cardiff
Telling a joyful story,
Building the kingdom of God, Growing our capacity for good
Telling a joyful story,
Building the kingdom of God, Growing our capacity for good
Weekly Services at Saint Peter's
Sunday 09:30am Sung Eucharist (with Junior church in the Hall, except for first Sunday of the month)
Wednesday 10.15 am Holy Eucharist
First Sunday of every month is Family Eucharist in the Church, 09:30am
Please look at This Week for our weekly Newsletter.
Sunday 09:30am Sung Eucharist (with Junior church in the Hall, except for first Sunday of the month)
Wednesday 10.15 am Holy Eucharist
First Sunday of every month is Family Eucharist in the Church, 09:30am
Please look at This Week for our weekly Newsletter.
Loving God, both Trinity and Unity, we thank you for bringing us together as a Ministry Area in West Cardiff. Help us to encourage one another with faith, wisdom and mutual care. Teach us to share our gifts, time and resources with one another. May we find joy in supporting our sisters and brothers. May we show your love, proclaim your Good News and serve your Kingdom in this place. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen
Lord and Saviour, great Shepherd and Pastor of souls, guide the hearts and minds of those who seek discernment in choosing faithful ministers of Word and Sacrament to serve in West Cardiff Ministry Area. May the Holy and life giving Spirit inspire priests and bless them with courage and imagination to offer themselves for this service, that together we may proclaim your Gospel and give you glory: Blessed be God forever, Amen
Loving God, both Trinity and Unity, we thank you for bringing us together as a Ministry Area in West Cardiff. Help us to encourage one another with faith, wisdom and mutual care. Teach us to share our gifts, time and resources with one another. May we find joy in supporting our sisters and brothers. May we show your love, proclaim your Good News and serve your Kingdom in this place. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen
Lord and Saviour, great Shepherd and Pastor of souls, guide the hearts and minds of those who seek discernment in choosing faithful ministers of Word and Sacrament to serve in West Cardiff Ministry Area. May the Holy and life giving Spirit inspire priests and bless them with courage and imagination to offer themselves for this service, that together we may proclaim your Gospel and give you glory: Blessed be God forever, Amen
Urgent Call for Prayers for the Holy Land
Friends of the Holy Land requests all Christians and people of other faiths to unite in prayer for all who have lost their lives in the terrible events in the Holy Land, for the immediate release of those taken hostage and for all those living in the Holy Land in their anguish, fear and desperation. Please remember in your prayers our Christian brothers and sisters trying to stay safe in Gaza and those in the West Bank and Israel staying at home fearful of the blind rage of the rhetoric of war, retribution and revenge. Pray for a swift cease-fire, a de-escalation to the violence in the wider area and that a path to a lasting peace be identified.
Lord Jesus,
who walked the land you made holy
and blessed those who made peace;
look with compassion
on the people of your land today,
Jew and Muslim and Christian,
Israeli and Palestinian.
May peace come for all with justice,
may war cease and all live in harmony,
and be the children of the one God
who you made known,
now and always.
- The Very Rev Andrew Nunn
Friends of the Holy Land requests all Christians and people of other faiths to unite in prayer for all who have lost their lives in the terrible events in the Holy Land, for the immediate release of those taken hostage and for all those living in the Holy Land in their anguish, fear and desperation. Please remember in your prayers our Christian brothers and sisters trying to stay safe in Gaza and those in the West Bank and Israel staying at home fearful of the blind rage of the rhetoric of war, retribution and revenge. Pray for a swift cease-fire, a de-escalation to the violence in the wider area and that a path to a lasting peace be identified.
Lord Jesus,
who walked the land you made holy
and blessed those who made peace;
look with compassion
on the people of your land today,
Jew and Muslim and Christian,
Israeli and Palestinian.
May peace come for all with justice,
may war cease and all live in harmony,
and be the children of the one God
who you made known,
now and always.
- The Very Rev Andrew Nunn
God of all people and author of peace, We pray for all who are involved in the current confrontation in and surrounding Ukraine. May the nations of the world, their governments and leaders base their decisions upon Your wisdom in all that makes for peace. Loving God, we recognise that conflict brings tragic loss for all involved, and so we pray that eyes and hearts may be opened to those things that unite us in our common humanity. At this time of fear and tension, we pray for your beloved children; that they may know a de-escalation of fear and threat, which would enable them to live in peace and dignity. We pray for a longed-for restoration of tranquillity in Ukraine. Lord, we recognise that prayer is a privilege and responsibility of each one of us; and so we hold in our hearts this situation, its context, and the future, secure in the love shown for all people through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (written by Rev’d Caroline Downs) |
You will find the Sunday Gospel and sometimes a reflection on Worship page.
Also the requests we have received for Prayer through the week.
Also the requests we have received for Prayer through the week.
For all Parish Matters contact -
Parish enquiries: [email protected] Ministry Area Leader, Reverend Andrew Sully [email protected] Gardens Website: Hall enquiries: [email protected] Or telephone 029 2056 5550 and leave a message. Hall & Church Whatsapp Group: To join, text your name and St Peter’s Whatsapp to Mark on 07791 275 868 |
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