Our Mission Satement

Through the grace of the Holy Spirit we seek to be a Christian community celebrating and witnessing to the Good News of Jesus Christ in worship and action, through:
· Valuing all its members as part of the Body of Christ and nurturing their spiritual growth.
· Praying and working for the unity of all Christians.
· Reaching out in compassion to anyone in need.
· Seeking to build up community life in Pentrebane and Fairwater.
· Helping to work for justice and peace throughout the world.
· Respecting the natural environment.
· Recognising God at work in all people and every part of creation.
· To develop St Peters Community Hall and Grounds in such a way that they can be used by as wide a cross section of the community as possible.
· To invite all users and all interested members of the local and wider community to participate in sustaining and developing the Hall and Grounds as an important facility for the area.
· To work wherever possible in partnership, with individuals, organisations and agencies who share and help to shape this ongoing vision.
· Valuing all its members as part of the Body of Christ and nurturing their spiritual growth.
· Praying and working for the unity of all Christians.
· Reaching out in compassion to anyone in need.
· Seeking to build up community life in Pentrebane and Fairwater.
· Helping to work for justice and peace throughout the world.
· Respecting the natural environment.
· Recognising God at work in all people and every part of creation.
· To develop St Peters Community Hall and Grounds in such a way that they can be used by as wide a cross section of the community as possible.
· To invite all users and all interested members of the local and wider community to participate in sustaining and developing the Hall and Grounds as an important facility for the area.
· To work wherever possible in partnership, with individuals, organisations and agencies who share and help to shape this ongoing vision.