How we see this space
Our personal space - to be found at home, on retreat, or a quiet area in church
A place where we can feel alone with God
- to face the truth without distraction
- to ‘retreat’ to – a familiar corner or space of our own creation - an ‘icon corner’
How we live this space
Our personal space - to be found at home, on retreat, or a quiet area in church
A place where we can feel alone with God
- to face the truth without distraction
- to ‘retreat’ to – a familiar corner or space of our own creation - an ‘icon corner’
How we live this space
- Personal space can be found in a garden, or created in a room or corner surrounded by symbols of faith – icons, pebbles, cross, candle, prayer book, bible books.
- It can be a state of mind in a room full of noisy people.
- Sometimes reading can be a distraction. We can use icons, music, nature or just silent meditation.