Through the Week at St Peter's
As part of our ongoing Eco Church work, we are encouraging people to receive this newsletter via email if possible. If you’d like to sign up to receive an email copy each week, please fill out a form at the back of church or contact [email protected]
If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like to receive home communion or a home visit, please let Sian know.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - We are always looking for new volunteers to help out with the smooth running of church. This can be for as little as a couple of hours every few months, and everyone’s gifts and skills can be put to good use! We are particularly looking for help with our communications and social media, the Sunday coffee rota, church flowers, and leading intercessions.
FRANCISCAN QUIET DAY - We will be hosting a quiet day for the Third Order of St Francis (TSSF) on Saturday 15th February in the Hall. If you are curious about TSSF and want to come along to this event, speak with Andrew.
Ministry Area Leader
Revd Andrew Sullly [email protected] 07779418036 Curate Revd Sian Parker [email protected] Safeguarding officer Mark Saunders 07908019270 Church enquiries [email protected] Hall enquiries [email protected] 029 2056 5550 Ministry Area website Hall & Church Whatsapp Group: To join, text your name and St Peter’s Whatsapp to Mark on 07908 019 270 |