Original Reflections
Mary’s Advent Yes to God
Mary’s Yes to God resounds through all our lives.
So often we think our faith is the result of our activity.
Mary’s Yes – makes our Yes to God possible.
Mary’s Yes was an act of true trust in a plan
she could not comprehend.
Our Yes to God is also a response of trust
to a plan not yet completed but underway,
with all who say Yes to God with their lives.
The Spirit of God filled Mary,
and the fruit of that surrendered heart
was the Saviour’s birth.
The Spirit longs to embrace us
and if we open our lives to that Spirit
then Christ will be born in us.
What is Mary’s prayer for us today?
Not – look at me, or sing my praise –
but say Yes to God with joy.
Come receive the Christ I am holding out before you
and know my joy in God in your life now.
As Elizabeth welcomed me, so I will welcome you
into the joy of the Saviour’s kingdom.
And there will be great rejoicing ………
Mary’s Yes to God resounds through all our lives.
So often we think our faith is the result of our activity.
Mary’s Yes – makes our Yes to God possible.
Mary’s Yes was an act of true trust in a plan
she could not comprehend.
Our Yes to God is also a response of trust
to a plan not yet completed but underway,
with all who say Yes to God with their lives.
The Spirit of God filled Mary,
and the fruit of that surrendered heart
was the Saviour’s birth.
The Spirit longs to embrace us
and if we open our lives to that Spirit
then Christ will be born in us.
What is Mary’s prayer for us today?
Not – look at me, or sing my praise –
but say Yes to God with joy.
Come receive the Christ I am holding out before you
and know my joy in God in your life now.
As Elizabeth welcomed me, so I will welcome you
into the joy of the Saviour’s kingdom.
And there will be great rejoicing ………