The season of Lent coincides with spring, calling to mind the new life and growth, the hope and change that should characterize this time of prayer, penance and conversion. This is the season of initiation into the grace-life of the Church. For 40 days, the Church invites us to start afresh.
…Just as Nature renews herself every spring, so during the Church’s spring we are encouraged to begin anew. We prepare for the renewal of our baptism, we are buried with Christ so that we may also arise with Him to a new life of grace and glory.
The word Lent is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "spring." We are "to spring" into action, to do the tasks of the season, to prepare for the new growth and graces that overflow from Easter.
Spring is the most important season for a farmer, for it determines what crops he will plant. Once decided, he prepares the soil thoroughly and plants the seed carefully, hoping that the seed buried deep in the soil will produce an abundant crop.
On Palm Sunday, the very threshold of his death and Resurrection, Our Lord assured his followers that “unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it produces much fruit. We are invited to die to all that is self centred and selfish in our lives so that we can share in the new life of Christ-so we can allow God to nurture the growth of the seeds of life within us. We all have such great potential for growth if only we will let go and follow Christ in the way of the cross that leads to the eternity of Easter
So let us prepare well to renew our Baptism during this Lenten spring, and to celebrate with those to be baptized - joyfully dying to self in order to become that fruitful grain of whea t- the more loving person Christ longs for us to be.
The day is come, the accepted day,
When grace, like nature flowers anew
Trained by thy hand the surer way
Rejoice we in our spring-time too. 6th Cent
…Just as Nature renews herself every spring, so during the Church’s spring we are encouraged to begin anew. We prepare for the renewal of our baptism, we are buried with Christ so that we may also arise with Him to a new life of grace and glory.
The word Lent is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "spring." We are "to spring" into action, to do the tasks of the season, to prepare for the new growth and graces that overflow from Easter.
Spring is the most important season for a farmer, for it determines what crops he will plant. Once decided, he prepares the soil thoroughly and plants the seed carefully, hoping that the seed buried deep in the soil will produce an abundant crop.
On Palm Sunday, the very threshold of his death and Resurrection, Our Lord assured his followers that “unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it produces much fruit. We are invited to die to all that is self centred and selfish in our lives so that we can share in the new life of Christ-so we can allow God to nurture the growth of the seeds of life within us. We all have such great potential for growth if only we will let go and follow Christ in the way of the cross that leads to the eternity of Easter
So let us prepare well to renew our Baptism during this Lenten spring, and to celebrate with those to be baptized - joyfully dying to self in order to become that fruitful grain of whea t- the more loving person Christ longs for us to be.
The day is come, the accepted day,
When grace, like nature flowers anew
Trained by thy hand the surer way
Rejoice we in our spring-time too. 6th Cent